"Permanent War, Permanent Repo"
The Keiser Report (E1483) (Janurary 2, 2020)

[5:45] Stacy Herbert: “… and Raytheon. They supply all the weaponry. We go at war from the air now. We don’t send in troops because the population would be against it if too many soldiers die. But not until we killed General Gaddafi in 2011, October of 2011, here you see 20 years of defense contractor [stocks] and not much going on … I think investors began to price it [attacking Iran] in, like we’re really going to Iran, so they’ve known this since then. ”

Max Keiser: “Markets are discounting mechanisms so they are trying to tell us that war with Iran is imminent. So that [MIC stock-price chart] was telegraphing this months in advance. And the Defense contractors, there is no greater waste of money. They are more inefficient than Hollywood studios, to give you an idea of how inefficient Lockheed or Raytheon are. And that’s brilliant if you want something out there that is sucking up half of every tax dollar collected in America. Half of the three trillion or so collected goes to defense contractors. And if you want to print another five, six, ten trillion dollars, let these guys loose. Let them go out there, because it’s going to require another ten or fifteen trillion of money printing, which means that the stock market has another 20% or so to go on the upside.”

[8:13] Stacy Herbert: “… [about this money printing[ And then, there is this other war, and that’s the financial war, the economic war, the class war against the bottom 99.9% that suffer the consequences of not only the war in the Middle East. They are the soldiers who have to go over there. But also the war to maintain these zombie banks and the zombie economy is the money printing. Because, remember again, this week we’ve had the Fed doing more of this emergency repo … no one knows what’s going on. Only a few in the war room know which banks or hedge funds or “entities” are in trouble. Well ...

[shows screenshot]

The Fed Plans to Consider Permanent Ways to Keep Money Markets Stable – barrons.com

[8:47] Remember how we always, like “go into” Iraq and it’s always going to be temporary; Afghanistan is going to be temporary; Yemen is going to be temporary, and then we end up with these permanent bases. I don’t know how many bases we have in Iraq. This whole notion: “We’re going to leave, We’re going to stay, we’re going to leave, we’re going to stay. We’re still in Germany some sixty something years later. This is now what started as a temporary measure, is a permanent measure. …

[9:16] Max Keiser: “This is, again, a New York thing … [does a pantomime of the arch-typical New Yorker stereotype] … Instead of saying: ‘Maybe we’re going to lower rates; maybe we’re going to raise rates; maybe we need to be prudent; Maybe we need to think about wages; Maybe the economy; Maybe we have a job to do, they’re like ‘We’re just going to print money ad infinitum. We’re going to open the spigot and walk away.’ There’s no policy. There’s no economics. There are no economists. We just open up, full blast and walk away. That’s the way to do it.”

[9:43] Stacy Herbert: “You’re right in that Wall Street salesmen, you’ve just got to get them to answer the phone. Or open the door. You stick your foot in the door and say ‘I’m just going to take a minute of your time. If you don’t like this vacuum cleaner I have to sell to you, then you can kick me out. But you get in there and you schmooze them and you sell them on this. And it becomes permanent. And that’s what they’re saying: This is a permanent situation.

[10:05] Max Keiser: “Well, the vacuum cleaner salesman famously barges in through the door and throws a bag of dirt on your floor. Now you need him to clean up this dirt. And by the time he has cleaned up the dirt, he has sold you a vacuum cleaner. So the Fed is saying: ‘We’re going to dump a ton of money, ad infinitum, into the economy; it will create mal-investment; It will create defense contractors roaming the world bombing innocent civilians for giggles, for fun, just because they love their fancy houses on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. And once they’ve bombed these places, those countries, like Iran or whatever, they’re like: “oh, my god this is terrible. Let’s do something back.’ And they’ll blow up a building here, or blow up a building there. And then the U.S. will say something like, ‘Print more money and we’ve got to send in more.’ So, it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy of money printing. And by the way, Australia is expendable.”

[11:01] Stacy Herbert: “You mentioned Hollywood earlier. And they say that D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people. And so the fact that what we’re seeing the last week or week-and-a-half, is Team America. They reflect each other. LA and Washington, D.C.., and Trump is like saying: ‘You can’t kick us out of your country. We destroyed Babylon. And you know what? If you kick us out, you’re going to have to pay the billions that we spent trashing your country. Or we’re going to destroy your cultural artifacts. Well. All that was predicted fifteen years ago under Bush, you know, with Team America. So this is a reflection of each other. They act like they’re so high and mighty in Hollywood as Ricky Gervais would point out: He said don’t make political speeches because you have no right to, because they are the same.”

[11:51] Max Keiser: “Because most people in Washington and in the liberal media elite : The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, are informed almost entirely from South Park, The Simpsons, and bad Hollywood “B” movies. That’s their source of education. That’s their view of the world. Anderson Cooper knows what he knows by watching South Park. And he comments about this nightly on CNN. Is it any wonder than that we’re just bombing people to get money printed so that we can get them to hit us back. Remember: they have to hit us back. The other countries have to bomb us now so that we can justify what we just did if we’re going to print more money to keep the stock market rolling. That’s a necessity.”

[12:34] Stacy Herbert: “Of course, Keiser Report, only here did you hear that you can’t taper a Ponzi. We said this back before the Fed tried to taper the Ponzi by raising interest rates. I remember when Jay Powell raised rates in 2018 in December and caused a huge crash. The markets fell by almost 20%. And then he turned on the spigot again. So this is, they admit it in this article about the permanent facility,

[13:05] [shows a screenshot]

Another way the Fed has been managing interest rates is by growing its bond portfolio again. The central bank says its purchases aren’t economic stimulus, and that its renewed purchases are meant to correct the excessive reduction of its balance sheet’s size. – barrons.com

“Again. Like I said. Look for this going forward. Remember, we’re leaving Iraq; no, we’re staying in Iraq. The statement from the department of defense is like: “We don’t expect Iran to retaliate for this, but that’s why we’re sending thousands of troops there because we expect them to. They say it all in one [fill in the blank for the appropriate synonym for doublethink here]... They all do Fed-speak now.

Max Keiser: “Right. And who was the audience that Trump sought when he droned this guy dead in Iraq? Jay Powell.

[end of first half of program]